Saturday, October 4, 2008

It's been awhile...

Hello folks.

Yep. It's been awhile and after leaving the fraternity of IT journalists for awhile, it gives you some perspective how life is on the other side: corporate communications take note, is somewhat not for the faint of heart.

You see, although I'm still writing to some degree about IT and technology - and a lot more scientific related stuff- I've actually jumped from the purely IT journalism bandwagon since mid-June 2008.

I've got stuff to share if there are people around thinking of making that big shift from journalism to corporate communications. Right now, I'm doing this magazine which I'm beginning to feel is a farce of sorts- with no inkling about how a publication should be run. Too many cooks after all, spoil the broth- and I'm already sick of how my broth is being spoilt.

1 comment:

davidlian said...

Dude... now you know how I sometimes feel. :)